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The Secrets of a REAL Internet Millionaire 2025

Jan 27, 2025

In the lucrative world Internet marketing, Simon Coulson is a big player but it was the result of a terrible accident that brought him in to this industry. Was this fate or destiny? Read on to find out his fascinating story

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Simon has so far generated over $40M from his own internet businesses in the UK, but also coached thousands of students to generate 100s of millions more.

It wasn't always this way though. It took a drastic accident to prompt him to re-evaluate his life.

The story goes like this...

‘You alright mate?’

Simon looked at the stranger in a suit standing over him and tried to work out where he was and what had just happened.

His back hurt and he was lying at the bottom of a busy escalator.

Other people were pushing past and stepping over him, some of them tut tutting and catching him with their bags and heels.

Photo by Arthur Edelmans

He frowned and his head throbbed as he muttered a reply to the concerned man looking down at him.

‘Yes, I think I’m alright . . .’ he mumbled

He was not sure whether his words came out as clearly as that because his brain felt fogged, but that is what he tried to say.

‘Someone’s gone to get help for you, mate. Hang on.’ the other man said.

Other strangers arrived. They were in London Underground uniforms and one was wearing a fluorescent jacket with the word ‘paramedic’ written on it.

The staff lifted him into a wheelchair and the medic then began to take his blood pressure and ask if he was diabetic or suffered from any other medical conditions.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov

‘No,’ he stammered. The fog was lifting and he was beginning to feel embarrassed.

‘There’s, er, nothing wrong with me . . . I think I just blacked out.’ he said

‘I see, can you remember what happened, before you fainted?’ the paramedic asked

In hindsight, that was a very big question. What did happen before he fainted?

The very last thing he remembered was stepping onto the escalator at King’s Cross tube station and then there he was at the bottom, dazed and confused and asking himself how did he end up there?

The reality was that he’d collapsed from exhaustion on his way home from work.

His body had simply had enough, which is hardly surprising, because an awful lot of other stuff had happened before he fainted that day.

For 14 years, ever since he left school, he'd been climbing up the corporate ladder in customer relations at British Telecom. he’d done this very ‘successfully’ as he had been promoted time and time again, although he says this with scepticism now as he's learned that this statement depends on how you define success.

Despite the regular increases in pay, perks and his position in the company, slowly but surely he’d become trapped in the rat race. He was commuting for two hours each way on top of working extremely long hours, often six or seven days a week. What’s more, he was so institutionalised by work he hadn’t even realised how bad things were, and how unfulfilling his life had become.

What is life about? he asked himself after he’d dusted down his suit and his pride that day and got himself to the mainline station. Crammed in a busy carriage, squashed up next to other grey-faced commuters and surrounded by the smell of take-away food and stale sweat, he thought back over the years and wondered how he’d let himself be sucked into this existence.

He was 32 years old. Surely there had to be more to life than this? Surely he didn’t have to do this for the rest of his working days?

His collapse had given him a sharp wake-up call.

It was time for change, but what was he going to do?

How was he going to shake up his life and make his dreams come true?

Fortunately, a short time after this incident, the company was looking for voluntary redundancies so Simon decided to bite the bullet & applied.

Too his delight & somewhat surprise he was accepted.

Like many people, Simon thought he was valuable to the company as he'd worked so hard over his 14 years & thought that they would try to persuade him to stay but this was not the case... we are just a number & can all easily be replaced.

So ultimately he was finally free!

Free to do whatever he wanted with his life.

Now Simon's great passion was music & he had been in a band for many years without any real success, that was until one day he had the brainwave to rebrand the band as a ColdPlay tribute band and call themselves CoolPay!

Part of his master rebranding plan was also to promote the band as the UK's number 1 ColdPlay tribute band which was actually only true in the sense that they were the 'only' ColdPlay tribute band in the UK at the time. Clever marketing to the rescue.

Sure enough the bookings began to come in thick & fast & they were getting paid £2000 per gig, which was considerably more than the previous £100 per gig.

This was Simon's first foray in the world of marketing & it's powerful effects.

In addition to the band's income, Simon knew that he really needed a backup income too, so began searching the business opportunities section in the newspapers.

He soon found details for a seminar about making money from 'information products'. The seminar ad was very compelling & persuaded Simon to part with £2000 for just a one-day seminar. He figured that if this guy could make him a millionaire as the ad had promised, then it was a sound investment.

During the seminar Simon was totally hooked & so began his quest to become an internet entrepreneur.

He then set about researching which information product to begin marketing & finally after much research he settled on a Bulgarian Property Buyers guide of all things.
Why? Because Simon had read that Bulgaria was about to join the EU imminently so the consensus in the market was that prices would skyrocket so his guide would become an 'in demand' product.

In fact, he had recently performed extensive research of his own on purchasing a property there as he’d planned to invest there himself so knew pretty much everything there was to know about buying a property there so could capitalise on his knowledge.

He setup his first crude website & using some fairly primitive marketing techniques he began marketing his pride & joy guide (a simple pdf document) which, to his own surprise quickly began selling. It actually began selling 20 copies a day at £20 each, that's £400 per day. There were not many jobs that paid that kind of money back then & even these days for that matter.

Simon's mind then began working overtime & he thought if he could make a success of a Bulgarian property guide then surely the same principles would apply for many other European countries & beyond. So in total over the next several months he created 34 different property guides.

Little did he know at the time that this simple business model would generate his first million pounds online & all from his spare bedroom!

Simon's success quickly caught the attention of his friends & family & he was soon asked to teach them all his marketing techniques & strategies.
After mentoring some friends to start their own successful internet businesses, they too saw incredible results. The first of which has since gone on to generate around £7 million themselves.

Simon soon realised that if he documented all his strategies & procedures he could then sell this a complete internet marketing training & coaching course.

This was to be the catalyst for creating his Internet training company back in 2007 that is a now a roaring success & one of the UK’s most respected online marketing training companies, The Internet Business School

Simon's success has generated huge wealth which enabled him to upgrade his two bedroomed terraced house in Gravesend to a stunning 35 acre dream country estate in the Kent countryside.

Not only that, but he could now also afford his boyhood dream car from the 80's cult TV show, Miami Vice, the Ferrari Testarossa.

Image by Toby Parsons

He was also able to upgrade his annual holiday destination from a week in rowdy beer soaked Benidorm to the luxurious & stunningly beautiful & peaceful Necker Island, owned of course by the billionaire, Sir Richard Branson.

Photo by Kevin Wolf on Unsplash

Simon has now launched over 10 internet based start-ups. He also achieved an MBA from the University of Kent.

Simon has also become an renowned public speaker on Internet Marketing strategies and his inspiring talks have taken him around the world with audiences up to 7,000 including at the London O2 arena. He has also shared the stage with many world famous celebrities including: Former USA President Bill Clinton, Sir Richard Branson, Lord Alan Sugar, James Caan, Caprice, Mike Harris, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicholas, Bill Glazer, Bob Proctor.

His company has gone from strength to strength & achieved enormous success to date. He has trained over 1,000 entrepreneurs and created many successful online businesses which has brought an enormous sense of personal satisfaction to him.

His most successful course is by far is the Diploma in Internet Marketing which has been independently accredited by CPD

His company has gone on to create over 45 different Internet related training courses together with tailored business support packages too.

His courses include :

How to achieved success with selling on Amazon

How to build an online store with Shopify

Tick Tock Secrets

Podcast Masterclass

How to Grow a profitable Facebook Group

He even offers a FREE 30 trial of his new Internet Marketing Profits course which will teach you step-by-step how to create (or grow) an online business. This is the exact system that Simon used to become successful.

Simon has also achieved another ambition of his & that is to write a book.

The book is called 'Interprenur' which is a play on the words Internet & Entrepreneur. It documents his rise to riches & includes the secrets of his journey to success & explains how ANYONE can become a millionaire. In fact, it also includes 20 case studies of his students successes to prove this.

It has gone on to achieve Amazon No. 1 bestseller status.

Plus for a limited time he is even giving away a FREE digital or audio copy for all attendees of his Masterclass training.

Sign up to today to claim your copy

“The idea of the Internet Business School is to put everything you need in one place, backed up by first class email and personal support. The Internet Business School offers you lessons in everything you need to know to do business online, and unlimited email support from our tutors and access to a team of experts to help you.”

Simon's company has been widely featured in the media & is rated Excellent with 4.8 stars on Trustpilot & 4.9 stars on Google

Could you be his next successful millionaire student?

Check out his full range of courses here

PS.Check out Simon's new music here